Steps in Renewal Process
AAFP Cat Friendly Practices® are required to renew their CFP designation every 3 years. Renewing is easy – simply log in to your Member Center, confirm the checklist criteria are still being fulfilled, verify your pictures are correct (or upload new ones) and submit. Please note that a Cat Friendly Practice is required to have at least one veterinarian member so make sure your memberships are up-to-date.
Log in to your AAFP Member Center
*Your username will be your primary email address on file
STEP 1: Member Center
After logging in to your account, please select the green "Becoming a Cat Friendly Practice" button.
STEP 2: Introduction
On this introductory page, there is a video overviewing the CFP Program and to the left is the green button to renew or begin your application. Please select this button to open up your online application.
STEP 3: Online Application
On your online application, you can see the three different portions to your left: Practice information, Checklist, and File Submission. As these are completed, you will see a green checkmark to each of these sections. You can also start with whichever section you would prefer. Be sure to always save your entries before moving to another section.
STEP 4: Practice Information
Please enter the Clinic Info and Advocate information. You may have up to 15 Cat Advocates. Please note that Advocates' emails will receive bi-monthly newsletters regarding the CFP program as well as follow ups regarding your clinic's CFP designation and new educational information.
STEP 5: Checklist
Once the Clinic info is saved, you can continue to the checklist. There are ten different checklist sections. They will have information saved from your previous application, so you will only need to view and update any of the new items. Please note all gold items need to be completed in order to submit for gold-level Cat Friendly Practice.
STEP 6: File Submission
Review and ensure you have all photos needed for your application.
STEP 7: Submit
Submit your application.