Elevate the Delivery of Care
The Cat Friendly Practice® program seeks to transform and elevate the delivery of feline veterinary care by:
- Laying the groundwork for the delivery of care to the underserved feline population.
- Identifying trends and baseline species information essential for understanding cats.
- Acknowledging the essential role of the cat owner in the veterinary visit.
- Providing support to veterinarians and their teams to create a cat-friendly practice environment.
- Outlining strategies for introducing changes in the delivery of care that incorporate a better understanding of the cat's distinct needs and behaviors.
When a practice takes the steps to become a Cat Friendly Practice®, it creates a practice environment that values the feline patient's needs. At the heart of a Cat Friendly Practice® is the potential for building productive relationships with cat owners, which will result in improved care for the feline patient.
Additional information can be found in the CFP Veterinary Practice Flyer.
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