2018 AAFP Abstract Guidelines
February 28, 2018 | Abstract Submission Open |
April 29, 2018 | Abstract Submission Closes at 11:59 PM EDT |
May 9, 2018 | Lead Oral Poster Presenters selected and notified via email |
June 8, 2018 | Lead Poster Presenter Selected and Notified Via Email |
June 29, 2018 | Confirmation from Lead Presenters due |
September 28, 2018 | Active Presentation Onsite: Oral presentations will take place on Saturday, September 29th from 8:00-8:20 AM. Poster presenters are required to be present at their poster to discuss content and answer questions for 1 full day at the conference. (Friday, September 28th AM Coffee Break, Lunch, PM Coffee Break; OR Saturday, September 29th Breakfast, AM Coffee Break, Lunch); additional days are recommended, but not required. |
September 28-30 2018 |
Display Period: Posters must be displayed for the entire three days of the conference. Early dismantling is not permitted. |
Oral Presentations are offered during Saturday's breakfast sessions with three total sessions. Oral presentations are scheduled for 20 minutes.
Poster Sessions are presented in the Exhibit Hall and allow attendees to view and discuss the specifics of an abstract with the author in a one-on-one or small group setting.
All accepted oral and poster abstracts will be published in an issue of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (JFMS) as originally submitted.
General Information - Oral and Poster Presentations
We invite practitioners, academicians, and researchers passionate about advancing feline medicine to submit a scientific abstract for oral or poster presentation to the AAFP by the date listed above.
- Poster abstracts should contain original research or case reports/series with novel information that has not been previously published. Oral abstracts to be presented can also include pearls of practice, novel approaches, highlight innovative work or techniques, include video demonstrations, or consist of other significant contributions or findings to practicing feline medicine that would be useful and interesting to conference attendees.
- If an oral abstract or poster has been presented elsewhere, but not published, you may provide a "reprinted with permission" statement. Please note that abstracts will not be accepted or published if they have previously been presented at an ISFM meeting.
- The abstract does not have to correlate with the theme of the conference.
- By submitting an abstract, the main author agrees, should the presentation be accepted, that at least one of the authors must register and attend the conference to present the abstract.
- All abstracts must be submitted through AAFP's online abstract system.
- One of the following presentation preferences must be selected:
- "Oral Presentation," indicating the abstract should only be considered for oral presentation.
- "Oral or Poster Presentation," indicating the author prefers oral presentation of the abstract, but poster presentation is an acceptable alternative.
- "Poster Presentation," indicating the abstract should only be considered for poster presentation.
- Disclosure declaration - The primary author is required to complete and submit the disclosure statement for all authors of the abstract before submission. Please note that abstracts will not be considered without the Disclosure Statement, even if there are no disclosures to be made.
Formatting Guidelines
Abstracts should include the following information assembled as follows:
- Title – brief and should clearly and objectively describe the study. Abbreviations may not be used in titles.
- Author(s) – include all authors (first name, last name, middle initial, organization/institution name, city, state/country). Do not include titles, degree, institutional appointments, street names or postal codes.
- Lead Presenter (primary contact) – Name, Email Address, and Phone Number
- Purpose - Short statement of the study’s specific objective
- Summary of Background/objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Tables or graphs can be included, limited to three, only if they do not exceed the character limitation (note – they may be scaled from original size for print). It is generally discouraged to submit images in color as they will be printed in the JFMS in black and white. References should not be included.
The abstract must be submitted in Microsoft Word, single spaced, with 12 point Times New Roman font and a 1 inch margin on all sides. Text should be aligned to the left EXCEPT for the body of the abstract, which should be left justified. It should not exceed 500 words (not including abstract title, author, and lead presenter). Abstracts that do not meet these specifications will not be reviewed. Please proofread your work. Accepted abstracts will be printed in the JFMS as originally submitted.
After abstracts have been reviewed, up to twelve (12) will be selected to be presented as posters and up to three (3) will be selected to be presented as oral presentations.
- Accepted abstracts must have at least one presenting author registered for the conference.
- Presenters are required to be present on one full-day of the conference in order to answer any questions of attendees.
- Oral presentations will take place on Saturday, September 29th from 8:00-8:20 AM.
- The posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall from Friday, September 28th to Sunday, September 30th.
- All abstract presenters must check in at the Registration Desk and note they are an abstract presenter when they arrive so they can be shown where to present their oral or poster presentation.
- All oral presentation speakers must arrive at the assigned room by 7:30 AM on Saturday, September 29th.
- All posters must be on display by Friday, September 28th by 8:00 AM and cannot be removed until Sunday, September 30th after 2:00 PM. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly.
- No early breakdown of the poster will be allowed. If a poster board is not claimed by 3 PM on Sunday, September 30th it will be discarded.
- Poster presenters must be at their poster for the entire timeframe on their scheduled presentation day. It is encouraged that presenters be at their poster on other days, but not required.
- All poster presenters must disclose conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest on the poster. Oral abstract presenters must include a slide at the beginning of the presentation disclosing potential conflicts of interest or stating there were no conflicts.
- For Poster presenters:
- A bulletin board will be provided (landscape, 4-ft. height by 8-ft. wide or 48 inches by 96 inches). We strongly recommend your poster be rectangular to maximize the use of space on your bulletin board. We also strongly recommend that you utilize the full space on the board by printing a poster no less than 36 inches high by 72 inches wide. This will allow the poster to be easily read at a distance of 6-8 feet. Thumb tacks will be provided to you.
- It is recommended that posters be produced by a printer for a professional look. If you need suggestions, please contact the AAFP at info@catvets.com.
- Abstract title, author(s), and institution/organization must be placed at the top of your slide or printed poster in large lettering (at least 2 inches high). The design and layout should be concise including clear headings (i.e. Background/objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions) and should also include the abstract summary.
- Use large type size that can be easily read at a distance of 6-8 feet.
- The use of color, images, and graphs is strongly encouraged. Be sure graphs and charts can be easily read at a distance of 6-8 feet.
For tutorials on creating scientific posters, click here. They provide helpful videos on planning and writing your content, software options, free templates, design and layout, poster sizes, choosing fonts and colors, and adding images and graphs.
Disclosure declaration
The primary author is required to complete and submit the disclosure statement for all the authors of the abstract before submission. Please note that abstracts will not be considered without the Disclosure Statement, even if there are no disclosures to be made.