American Association of Feline Practitioners

Veterinary professionals passionate about the care of cats

Poster Abstract Details

Poster Abstract Details

The Call for Oral Presentations and Posters deadline has passed. Submissions are now closed.


  • Title – should be brief and should clearly and objectively describe the study. Abbreviations may not be used in titles. (20 word maximum)
  • Author(s) – include the full first name, middle initial, and last name for all authors. The name of the presenting or lead author should be listed first. Omit titles, degree, street names, and postal codes.
  • Institution/address – include the name of the institution immediately following the author(s) and include city, state, and country. If an author does not have an institutional affiliation, please write none. If there is more than one address, please state "same as previously written." Do not include zip codes.
  • Each poster abstract, excluding title and author information, may be no longer than 500 words.
  • Organize the body of the abstract as follows:
    • Purpose of the study's specific objective, preferably one sentence.
    • Summary of Background/Objectives OR Case Study Summary
    • Methods used to conduct the research in sufficient detail to evaluate their appropriateness and novelty.
    • Results, stated in sufficient detail to support conclusions. It is not satisfactory to state "Results will be discussed "or "Data will be presented."
    • Conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state "The results will be discussed" or "Other data will be presented."
  • Tables or graphs can be included, limited to three, only if they do not exceed the character limitation (note – they may be scaled from original size for print in the JFMS). Images need to be submitted in black and white. References should not be included.
  • Abstracts that do not meet these specifications will not be reviewed.
  • Please proofread your work. Accepted poster abstracts will be printed in the JFMS as originally submitted.
  • In some cases the reviewers may have questions and ask for an edit to an abstract. Only in these cases will the newly submitted abstract be printed in the JFMS.


  • All poster abstracts will be reviewed by the task force and several will be selected to present as posters at the AAFP Conference.
  • The primary contact for each poster abstract will be notified of selection by June 7, 2020.
  • One presenter for each accepted poster abstract will receive a 20% discount on the AAFP Conference registration.
  • Accepted poster abstracts must have at least one author registered for the conference who must be present at their poster on Friday, October 2, 2020 or Saturday, October 3, 2020 during all exhibit hall hours (breakfast, lunch, coffee break, reception – whichever is applicable for that day).

Poster Display Requirements

  • All presenters will need to check in at the Registration Desk and notify the staff they are a poster presenter. The staff will show the presenter where to display their poster.
  • All posters need to be up on display by Friday, October 2, 2020 at 8:00 am and cannot be removed until Sunday, October 4, 2020 after 2:00 pm. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly.
  • Early breakdown of the poster is NOT allowed. If a poster board is not claimed by 3:00 pm on Sunday, it will be discarded.
  • Poster abstract presenters need to be at their poster for the entire time frame (during exhibit hall hours) on their scheduled presentation day. We encourage presenters be at their poster on other days for questions, but it is not required.
  • Promotional or marketing pieces for companies/products are not allowed to be displayed near or adjacent to the posters.
  • All poster presenters must disclose any conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest on the poster.

Poster Layout

  • A bulletin board will be provided at the conference venue (landscape - 4-ft. height by 8-ft. wide or 48 inches by 96 inches). We strongly recommend you maximize your bulletin board space and make your poster rectangular. We also strongly recommend your poster is no less than 36 inches high by 72 inches wide. This allows your poster to be easily read at a distance of 6-8 feet. Thumb tacks will be provided.
  • We recommend your poster be produced by a printer for a professional look. If you need suggestions, please contact the AAFP at
  • Abstract title, author(s), and institution/organization must be placed at the top of your poster in large lettering (at least 2 inches high).
  • The design and layout should be concise including clear headings (i.e., Background/objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions) and should also be included the abstract summary.
  • Make sure to include any disclosures on your poster.
  • Use large type size that can be easily read at a distance of 6-8 feet.
  • The use of color, images, and graphs is strongly encouraged. Be sure graphs and charts can be easily read at a distance of 6-8 feet.
  • For tutorials on creating scientific posters, click here. They provide helpful videos on planning and writing your content, software options, free templates, design and layout, poster sizes, choosing fonts and colors, and adding images and graphs.