Archived AAFP Rounds on VIN
Full transcripts of AAFP Feline Rounds on VIN can be downloaded by AAFP Members.
To Access Archived AAFP Rounds on VIN:
- Go to beta.vin.com/aafp - You will need to log in using your AAFP/VIN username and password.
- NOTE: This is different from your AAFP Member Center login.
- Email registration@vin.com for access if you need to create an AAFP/VIN account.
- Once logged in, you'll find access to the transcripts/recordings of past sessions on the Library page.
- Visit the Library page by clicking the Library tab at the top left corner of the page.
List of Archived AAFP Rounds on VIN
2023 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 8/22/2023 - Fraility: The Next Frontier of Care
- 5/30/23 - Can I 'do' Cat Friendly in a Mixed (Dog & Cat) Practice
2022 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 9/27/2022 - Doing the Right Things for the Right Reasons; Ethics and Actions to Deal With Cat Pain
- 7/26/2022 - The Do's and Don'ts of Feline Trauma
2021 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 10/19/2021 - Dr. Detective: Solving the Challenge of Feeding the Multicat Home with Different Nutritional Needs
- 8/3/2021 - Cats, Pain, and Fear: An Unholy Triumvirate
- 7/13/2021 - Obesity: Winning the Battle of the Bulge Takes More Than a Bag of Food
- 4/6/2021 - Handling Challenging Cats with New and Simple Techniques
2020 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 10/20/2020 - Exploration of Feline Aging: Evaluation, Feeding, and Why & How to Treat Differently
- 05/12/2020 - Lower Airway Disease in Cats
- 04/28/2020 - Feline Medicine: Getting through the Day, Part 2
- 04/14/2020 - Feline Medicine: Getting through the Day, Part 1
2019 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/03/2019 - A Constellation of Considerations: Chronic Pain with Concurrent Conditions in Aging Cats
- 09/10/2019 - Feline Urethral Obstruction from a Criticalist's Perspective
- 07/23/2019 - Physiologic Stress Parameters in Cats and Using Gabapentin to Facilitate Veterinary Visits
- 05/14/2019 - Hypotension...What to Do When Fluids Are Not Working
- 04/16/2019 - Analgesia for Hospitalized Cats: Life without Methadone
- 01/06/2019 - Pain Recognition and Management in Dogs and Cats
2018 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 08/28/2018 - Pyothorax: When Good White Cells Go Bad
- 05/08/2018 - Cat Specific Concerns for Anesthesia
- 02/13/2018 - Feline Constipation: Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prevention
- 01/16/2018 - New Feline Tests: When to Use Them & When to Lose Them
2017 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 09/26/2017 - Putting Feline Chronic Pain out to Pasture: Beyond the NSAIDs
- 07/25/2017 - Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cats: A Practice Approach
- 03/07/2017 - Pandora Syndrome
2016 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 09/20/2016 - Busting Myths about Feline Hyperthyroidism
- 04/26/2016 - Recent Compelling and Clinically Relevant JFMS Updates
- 02/15/2016 - The Vomiting Cat: From Diet to Dexamethasone - Making Therapeutic Decisions
2015 Round Resources/Transcripts:
- 09/15/2015 - Feline Mammary Gland Tumors: Is there a method to the medicine?
- 07/21/2015 - Respiratory Distress: Localization of the Lesion and Interventions
- 04/21/2015 - AAHA/AAFP Pain Management Guidelines: Feline Focus
- 03/24/2015 - Euthanasia in Cats in a Clinical Setting
- 02/24/2015 - Analgesia for Pediatric Patients
2014 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/09/2014 - Getting Nutrition Into a Cat
- 11/11/2014 - AAFP/ISFM Environmental Needs Guidelines
- 07/09/2014 - Managing the Feline Diabetic: Picking a Protocol
- 06/17/2014 - Medical Management of Inappetence in Feline CKD
- 05/58/2014 - Update on FIV Research: Prevalence, Clinical Disease, and Diagnostic Testing
- 03/11/2014 - Use of Intraoral Nerve Blocks in the Feline Patient
- 02/11/2014 - Healthy Aging In Cats: What's Normal, What's Not?
2013 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/10/2013 - Feline Toxins
- 11/05/2013 - Feline Vaccination: What the AAFP Advisory Panel Recommends in 2013
- 10/01/2013 - Fat Cats and the Fat Gap: Convincing Cat Owners to Begin a Weight Loss Program
- 09/03/2013 - Nutrition and Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
- 07/02/2013 - New Anesthetic and Analgesia Drugs for Cats
- 05/28/2013 - Feline Oropharyngeal Inflammation
- 05/02/2013 - Finding Pain Where it Lives
- 04/04/2013 - Feline Nutritional Support for Hepatic Failure
2012 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 3/25/12 - Why and How: The Cat Friendly Practice
2011 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 10/30/11 - Diabetic Ketoacidosis, The Tough Ones!
- 08/14/11 - AAFP/ISFM Feline Handling Guidelines
- 06/05/11 - Common Cat Cancers
- 03/06/11 - Feline Pancreatitis: A Diagnostic And Therapeutic Enigma
- 02/20/11 - Mirtazapine Use In Cats
2010 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/12/10 - Feeding Felines with Different Nutritional Needs: A Dilemma in the Multicat Household
- 01/17/10 - Feline Pediatrics
2009 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/13/09 - Monitoring The Critically Ill Cat
- 10/18/09 - AAFP Student Rounds
- 05/17/09 - Feline Vomiting
- 04/05/09 - Feline Anesthesia
- 03/22/09 - Do Cats With Chronic, Recurrent Diarrhea Get You Down?
- 02/08/09 - Working Through A Complicated Feline Diabetic Ketoacidosis Case
- 01/25/09 - Management Of Concurrent Renal And Cardiac Disease Patients
2008 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/07/08 - Feline Holiday Hazards
- 11/09/08 - Feline Ophthalmology-Congenital and Neonatal Diseases
- 10/19/08 - Acute Renal Failure in Cats
- 09/14/08 - Tumors of the Urogenital System: Cytology, Histopathology, and Prognosis
- 07/20/08 - Feline Retrovirus Management Guidelines
- 05/18/08 - The Feline Genome Project And Its Clinical Applications
- 04/27/08 - Feline Eyes - The Chronic Ocular Diseases
- 03/30/08 - Feline Spinal Cord Diseases
- 01/06/08 - AAFP/AAHA Pain Management Guidelines
2007 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 11/18/07 - Tips to Improve Client Compliance for Feline Weight Loss
- 10/14/07 - Molecular Diagnostics for Veterinary Medicine
- 09/30/07 - VIN / AAFP Student Rounds
- 09/09/07 - Clomipramine and Cats
- 08/12/07 - Feline Infectious Peritonitis
- 07/22/07 - Markers of Chronic Renal Disease in Hyperthyroidism
- 04/22/07 - Feline Heartworm Disease
- AAFP Rounds 4/22/07 Handouts
- 03/18/07 - Helping Clients And Their Children Cope With The Death Of A Pet
- 02/25/07 - The AAFP Vaccination Guidelines Revisited
- 01/21/07 - Home Care and End of Life Issues
2006 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/17/06 - Approach to Differentiation of Hypoproteinemia/Hypoalbuminemia
- 11/05/06 - Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Bartonella spp. Infections
- 10/08/06 - AAFP Student Rounds
- 09/10/06 - Feline Idiopathic Hypercalcemia
- 08/06/06 - Tubes, Glorious Tubes: Feeding Strategies For Sick Cats
- 07/09/06 - Snots & Snuffles: Chronic Feline Upper Respiratory Syndromes
- 06/25/06 - Feline Pearls From ACVIM
- 04/23/06 - Recognition, Prevention, and Treatment of Thyroid Storm
- 03/12/06 - ABVP Certification - The Specialist In Feline Practice
- 02/26/06 - Feline Renal Disease 1/29/06 - Kitten Kindergarten (Kitten Kindy)
2005 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/11/05 - Feline Cytauxzoonosis
- 11/20/05 - Feline Stress and Its Role in Inflammatory Disease
- 10/16/05 - Student Chapters
- 09/11/05 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Feline Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis
- 08/28/05 - Top Feline Toxicities
- 07/24/05 - FeLV Vaccine and the Transdermal Administration System, The Recombinant FeLV Vaccine, Recombinant Vaccine Technology
- 07/10/05 - Management of Feline Diabetes and the Somogyi Phenomenon
- 06/26/05 - Feline Ophthalmology
- 05/15/05 - Feline Analgesia, Management Of Acute Pain
- 04/17/05 - Obesity in Cats, Rounds Slides, Feline Obesity and a Program for Weight Loss
- 03/27/05 - Current State of the Art of Feline Renal Transplantation
- 03/27/05 - Feline Renal Transplantation
- 02/20/05 - AAFP Student Rounds Session
- 02/13/05 - Feline Behavior Guidelines Part 2: Treatment
- 01/30/05 - Feline Behavior Guidelines
2004 Rounds Resources/Transcripts:
- 12/19/04 - Feline Reproduction - Part Two
- AAFP Rounds 12/19/04 Slides
- 12/12/04 - Resources/Transcripts: Uncovering the Cause of Infertility in Queens, References and Resources/Transcripts, Drug Formulary for Feline Reproduction
- 12/12/04 - Feline Reproduction - Part One, Reproduction and Breeding Management in Cats
- 11/21/04 - Introduction to the American Association of Feline Practitioners
- 10/10/04 - Feline Anemia, Realtime Session Slides, Feline Anemia Therapy, Practical Blood Transfusion in the Cat
- 09/12/04 - Diagnostic Approach to Feline Anemia, Feline Anemia
- 08/08/04 - Feline Stomatitis And The General Practice
- 08/08/04 - Feline Stomatitis and Dental Radiology, Thorough Records Critical to Defense, Feline Periodontitis
- 07/25/04 - Feral Cats: Trap, Neuter, And Release, Rounds Handout, Galapagos Islands Slides
- 07/25/04 - AAFP Position Statement on Free-Roaming, Abandoned and Feral Cats can be found at www.catvets.com
- 06/13/04 - Eight Emerging Dermatoses In Cats, Emerging Feline Dermatoses Quiz
- 06/06/04 - Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis Complex
- 05/13/04 - Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease