AAFP Case Rounds: Bill the Cat
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In this AAFP Case Round, Dr. Craig Webb will explore the case of Bill the Cat.
Speaker Bio
Craig Webb, PhD, DVM, DACVIM
Dr. Craig B. Webb earned a PhD in Neuroscience trying to answer the question “How do cats think?” Not surprisingly that effort was a miserable failure, and so he pursued a DVM degree at the University of Wisconsin. Next was an internship at Alameda East in Denver, Colorado, where he did his best to avoid the fame & fortune of Animal Planet’s Emergency Vets, being filmed there for the Discovery Channel. From there he headed north to Colorado State University where he was mentored by Dr. David Twedt during his residency, and he’s remained there ever since. Ironically, once again he finds himself trying to understand cats, and having missed the meeting, he was volunteered to serve as interim teaching hospital director,starting that job just in time to face a world-wide pandemic. Needless to say, he is living the dream
RACE Credits
This program 249-44776 is approved by the AAVSB RACE to offer a total of 1.00 CE Credits (1.00 max) being available to any one veterinarian: and/or 1.00 Veterinary Technician CE Credits (1.00 max). This RACE approval is for the subject matter categorie(s) of: Medical using the delivery method(s) of: Non-Interactive Distance. This approval is valid in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE; however, participants are responsible for ascertaining each board's CE requirements.