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This discussion will focus on a few of the more rare and more recent entries into the recognized group of Feline Chronic Enteropathies, but most of the focus is on inflammatory bowel disease versus low-grade alimentary lymphoma. You will learn what we know about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, as well as what we don’t know.
Speaker Bio
Craig Webb, PhD, DVM, DACVIM
After completing his PhD in Neuroscience, Dr. Craig Webb earned his DVM from the University of Wisconsin. Following his internship, he joined Colorado State University as a Small Animal Medicine resident with Dr. David Twedt as his mentor, and has remained on faculty at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for more than two decades. He is the Head of the SAM service and very much enjoys working with bright young students on the clinic floor,seeing patients, and running clinical trials. Dr. Webb’s greatest accomplishment was marrying the much better looking and much smarter Dr. Tracy Webb, with whom he collaborates on a number of research projects, and life.
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