Feline Nursing Care for the Hospitalized Patient
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We can all agree that the hospital is not an ideal place for cats. We can often compromise with them for a visit; however, hospitalization is occasionally warranted. As cat advocates and caretakers, we can significantly improve this experience. Feline friendly handling, pharmacologic intervention, and creativity decrease stress, improve healing and appetite, and often shorten the length of hospitalization. We will discuss these tips and tricks for any hospitalized cat.
Speaker Bio
Alison Gottlieb, BS, CVT, VTS (ECC)
Alison graduated from Towson State University with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Behavior. She earned certification in emergency and critical care in 2000. Alison has served on the board of AVECCT as a member at large and on the application committee. Alison is the Co-founder/Owner of Four Paws Consulting LLC, an education-based veterinary consultant. She is an active member of AAFP and ISFM. Over the years Alison has published many feline articles, frequently on pain; as well as authored a chapter on pain in the ICU. Alison has lectured extensively with Australia and New Zealand being amongst her favorites. Currently, Ali is the Education Coordinator at CROWN in New Jersey and resides in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Her favorite topics/areas are anything feline, osteoarthritis, analgesia, and low-stress handling. In the clinic, you can usually find Alison giving the patients catnip and feeding cats. She spends most of her free time outside with her pit bull and her cats.
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