2017 Hybrid Cats
Download - 2017 Position Statement on Hybrid Cats
The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) strongly opposes the breeding of non-domestic cats to domestic cats and discourages ownership of early generation hybrid cats, due to concerns for public safety and animal welfare issues.
The AAFP opposes the breeding of hybrid cats for the following reasons:
- Unnatural breeding
The AAFP strongly opposes the unnatural breeding of nondomestic to domestic cats. This includes both natural breeding and artificial insemination.
- Temperament concerns of hybrid cats
The AAFP discourages ownership of early generation (F1, F2, F3) hybrid cats due to their unpredictable nature.
- Safety and legal issues
The AAFP strongly opposes the breeding of non-domestic to domestic cats due to concerns for public safety and interest.
Welfare concerns
The AAFP opposes the breeding of nondomestic to domestic cats due to welfare issues for both the non-domestic cat and domestic cat.
This position statement has been updated from: 2009 Hybrid Cats Statement